Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Angelique invites you to MySpace


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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

<a href="" target="_blank">Tom Mabe: Eavesdropping</a>
700 CLUB. What? No Obama bashing today?? Wow. Check this out about separation of church and state.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Church and State

Churches & Politics Don't Mix
genre: Hip-Gnosis & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation
The IRS has issued a warning to churches that they risk their tax exempt status if they fail to observe the requirement that they not engage in political activities. The 2004 presidential election marked a turning point in churches approaching the line of demarcation as the Catholic Church told its members that they should examine their beliefs before voting for politicians who did not uphold the principles of the Church, especially with regard to supporting the legality of abortions as determined in Roe v. Wade.

Thought Theater recently reported on efforts by the Catholic Church in Colorado to gather petition signatures for a ballot initiative to ban same sex marriage here. To read the full article on the IRS warning, the LA Times has the article here.

The Internal Revenue Service is warning churches and nonprofits that improper campaigning in the upcoming political season could endanger their tax-exempt status.

The agency also launched a program to expedite investigations into claims of improper campaigning, prompting an advocacy group to charge this month that the program could restrict the free speech of nonprofit groups and churches.

Under the program, the IRS will no longer wait for an annual tax return to be filed or the tax year to end before investigating allegations of wrongful campaigning. A three-member committee will make an initial review of complaints and then vote on whether to pursue the investigation in detail.

"While the vast majority of charities and churches do not engage in politicking, an increasing number did take part in prohibited activities in the 2004 election cycle," IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson said in a statement. "The rule against political campaign intervention by charities and churches is long established. We are stepping up our efforts to enforce it."

The code bans nonprofits from "participating or intervening" for "any candidate for public office." That includes endorsements, donations and fundraising. But nonprofits are allowed to speak out on issues of public interest as long as "a substantial part of the organization's activities is not intended to influence legislation."

Many tax exempt organizations have argued that the guidelines are quite vague which makes it difficult for organizations to determine the limitations thereby forcing undue caution. In my opinion, the added caution the warnings may create would provide a much needed deterrent to the ever expanding efforts of tax exempt organizations to skirt the regulations and influence the voting decisions of their memberships.

The tenor of the Republican Party in the last decade has simply emboldened many to blur the lines that require the clear separation of church and state. I am pleased to see at least one government agency reminding us of that distinction. I'm hopeful others will follow.

President John F. Kennedy:

"I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute – where no Catholic prelate would tell the President (should he be Catholic) how to act and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote – where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference – and where no man is denied public office merely because his religion differs from the President who might appoint him or the people who might elect him.

"I believe in an America that is officially neither Catholic, Protestant, nor Jewish - where no public official either requests or accepts instructions on public policy from the pope, the National Council of Churches, or any other ecclesiastical source - where no religious body seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public acts of its officials - and where religious liberty is so indivisible that an act against one church is treated as an act against all. . . .

"Finally, I believe in an America where religious intolerance will someday end - where all men and all churches are treated as equal - where every man has the same right to attend or not attend the church of his choice - where there is no Catholic vote, no anti-Catholic vote, no bloc voting of any kind - and where Catholics, Protestants, and Jews, at both the lay and pastoral level, will refrain from those attitudes of disdain and division which have so often marred their works in the past, and promote instead the American ideal of brotherhood."

Martin Luther King Jr.:

(The 1962 U.S. Supreme Court decision prohibiting state-supported prayer in public schools was) "sound and good, reaffirming something basic in the Nation’s life: separation of church and state."

Monday, November 09, 2009

coloursparkle - edited at on Twitpic

Check out more art by my New Twitter Friend Anastasia!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Swine Flu Symptoms

Is It a Cold, Flu or Swine Flu?
Updated: Tuesday, 29 Sep 2009, 1:50 PM CDTPublished : Tuesday, 29 Sep 2009, 1:48 PM CDT
(MYFOX NATIONAL) - Is it a cold? The regular flu? Or is it swine flu?
It's the question that many around the country are wondering as a White House report states that the swine flu season could infect up to 50 percent of Americans and lead to as many as 1.8 million hospitalizations and 30,000 to 90,000 deaths.
According to WebMD , colds usually begin with a sore throat that goes away after a day or two, and then nasal symptoms and a cough follow. Slight fevers are also possible. Flu symptoms are usually more severe and come on quickly -- people usually have a high fever, muscle aches, headache, congestion and cough. Swine flu in particular can include vomiting and diarrhea .
It's likely easier to distinguish between cold and the flu. But how do you know if you have the flu or swine flu? If you have the symptoms of flu, there's a good chance you have swine flu. "[The swine flu] seems to spread more easily than a cold virus or seasonal flu ... most likely because so few people have been exposed to it in the past," swine flu expert Richard Wenzel told US News and World Report .
But experts say it's not a cause for alarm. The CDC says if you have a fever , you should stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone, except to get medical care or for other necessities.
There are antiviral drugs that your doctor can prescribe for you to lessen the swine flu symptoms and prevent serious complications. But these are only being prescribed to people who are very sick, such as those who need to be hospitalized or those who suffer flu complications. Most people, however, will likely be protected if they choose to get the swine flu vaccine, which will become available in early October .
The CDC says that if you experience the following symptoms, you should seek immediate medical care.

In children, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:

Fast breathing or trouble breathing
Bluish or gray skin color
Not drinking enough fluids
Severe or persistent vomiting
Not waking up or not interacting
Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

In adults, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:

Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
Sudden dizziness
Severe or persistent vomiting
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

Friday, October 23, 2009

I Believe


Birth Certificate shows that we were born,
A Death Certificate shows that we died,
Pictures show that we lived!
Have a seat . . . Relax . . . And read this slowly.

I Believe...
That just because two people argue,
it doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do love each other.

I Believe... That we don't have to change friends
if we understand that friends change.

I Believe... That no matter how good a friend is,
they're going to hurt you every once in a while
and you must forgive them for that.

I Believe... That true friendship continues to grow,
even over the longest distance.
Same goes for true love..

I Believe... That you can do something in an instant
that will give you heartache for life.

I Believe... That it's taking me a long time
to become the person I want to be.

I Believe... That you should always leave loved ones
with loving words.. It may be the last time you see them.

I Believe... That you can keep going long after you think you can't.

I Believe... That we are responsible for what we do,
no matter how we feel.

I Believe... That either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I Believe... That heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.

I Believe... That money is a lousy way of keeping score.

I Believe... That sometimes the people you expect
to kick you when you're down,
will be the ones to help you get back up.

I Believe... That sometimes when I'm angry
I have the right to be angry,
but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

I Believe... That maturity has more to do
with what types of experiences you've had
and what you've learned from them
and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.

I Believe... That it isn't always enough, to be forgiven by others.
sometimes, you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I Believe... That no matter how bad your heart is broken
the world doesn't stop for your grief.

I Believe... That our background and circumstances
may have influenced who we are,
but, we are responsible for who we become.

I Believe... That you shouldn't be so eager
to find out a secret.
It could change your life Forever.

I Believe... Two people can look at
the exact same thing
and see something totally different.

I Believe... That your life can be changed
in a matter of seconds
by people who don't even know you.

I Believe... That even when you think
you have no more to give,
when a friend cries out to you -
you will find the strength to help.

I Believe...
The happiest of people
don't necessarily have the best of everything;
they just make the most of everything.

I Believe... That the people you care about most
in life are taken from you too soon.

I Believe... That you should send this
to all of the people that you believe in,
I just did.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cussing at Work

Dear Employees:

It has been brought to management's attention that some individuals throughout the company have been using foul language during the course of normal conversation with their co-workers.

Due to complaints received from some employees who may be easily offended, this type of language will no longer be tolerated.

We do, however, realize the critical importance of being able to accurately express your feelings when communicating with co-workers.

Therefore, a list of 18 New and Innovative 'TRY SAYING' phrases have been provided so that proper exchange of ideas and information can continue in an effective manner.

Number 1
TRY SAYING: I think you could use more training.
INSTEAD OF: You don't know what the f___ you're doing.

Number 2
TRY SAYING: She's an aggressive go-getter.
INSTEAD OF: She's a f___ing bit__.

Number 3
TRY SAYING: Perhaps I can work late.
INSTEAD OF: And when the f___ do you expect me to do this?

Number 4
TRY SAYING: I'm certain that isn't feasible.
INSTEAD OF : No f___ing way.

Number 5
INSTEAD OF: You've got to be sh___ing me!

Number 6
TRY SAYING: Perhaps you should check with...
INSTEAD OF: Tell someone who gives a sh__.

Number 7
TRY SAYING: I wasn't involved in the project.
INSTEAD OF: It's not my f___ing problem.

Number 8
TRY SAYING: That's interesting.
INSTEAD OF: What the f___?

Number 9
TRY SAYING: I'm not sure this can be implemented.
INSTEAD OF: This sh__ won't work.

Number 10
TRY SAYING: I'll try to schedule that.
INSTEAD OF: Why the f___ didn't you tell me sooner?

Number 11
TRY SAYING: He's not familiar with the issues...
INSTEAD OF: He's got his head up his a__.

Number 12
TRY SAYING: Excuse me, sir?
INSTEAD OF : Eat sh__ and die.

Number 13
TRY SAYING: So you weren't happy with it?
INSTEAD OF: Kiss my a__.

Number 14
TRY SAYING: I'm a bit overloaded at the moment.
INSTEAD OF: F__ it, I'm on salary.

Number 15
TRY SAYING: I don't think you understand.
INSTEAD OF: Shove it up your a__.

Number 16
TRY SAYING: I love a challenge.
INSTEAD OF: This f___ing job sucks.

Number 17
TRY SAYING: You want me to take care of that?
INSTEAD OF: Who the f___ died and made you boss?

Number 18
TRY SAYING: He's somewhat insensitive.
INSTEAD OF: He's a pr_ck.

Thank You,

Human Resources

Friday, October 09, 2009

When you get mad you lose!!-Divorce Court

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said,
'Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like. '

The Lord led the holy man to two doors.

He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in..

In the middle of the room was a large round table..

In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew,

which smelled delicious and made the holy man' s mouth water.

The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly.

They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful.

But because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths.

The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering.

The Lord said, ' You have seen Hell. They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one.

The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking.

The holy man said, 'I don't understand.

'It is simple,' said the Lord.' It requires but one skill.

You see, they have learned to feed each other.

The greedy think only of themselves. '

When Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you.

Its estimated 93% won ' t forward this.

If you are one of the 7% who will, forward this with the title ' 7% ' .

I ' m in the 7%

Remember that

I will always share my spoon with you

Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm gonna squeeze you and pour sugar all over you. -Naughty Kitchen's Blythe Beck

Charles Manson follower Susan Atkins dies

Charles Manson follower Susan Atkins dies


LOS ANGELES - Susan Atkins, a follower of cult leader Charles Manson whose remorseless witness stand confession to killing pregnant actress Sharon Tate in 1969 shocked the world, has died. She was 61 and had been suffering from brain cancer.

Atkins' death comes less than a month after a parole board turned down the terminally ill woman's last chance at freedom on Sept. 2. She was brought to the hearing on a gurney and slept through most of it.

California Department of Corrections spokeswoman Terry Thornton said that Atkins died late Thursday night. She had been diagnosed with brain cancer in 2008, had a leg amputated and was given only a few months to live.

She underwent brain surgery, and in her last months was paralyzed and had difficulty speaking. But she managed to speak briefly at the Sept. 2 hearing, reciting religious verse with the help of her husband, attorney James Whitehouse.

She had been transferred to a skilled nursing facility at the California Central Women's Facility at Chowchilla exactly one year before she died.

Tate, the 26-year-old actress who appeared in the movie "Valley of the Dolls" and was the wife of famed director Roman Polanski, was one of seven murdered in two Los Angeles homes during the Manson cult's bloody rampage in August 1969.

Atkins was the first of the convicted killers to die. Manson and three others involved in the murders - Patricia Krenwinkel, Leslie Van Houten and Charles "Tex" Watson - remain imprisoned under life sentences. Thornton said that at the time of Atkins death she had been in prison longer than any woman currently incarcerated in California.

Atkins, who confessed from the witness stand during her trial, had apologized for her acts numerous times over the years. But 40 years after the murders, she learned that few had forgotten or forgiven what she and other members of the cult had done.

Debra Tate, the slain actress's younger sister, told the parole commissioners Sept. 2 that she "will pray for (Atkins') soul when she draws her last breath, but until then I think she should remain in this controlled situation." Debra Tate noted that she would have a 40-year-old nephew if her sister had lived.

Atkins' prosecutor, Vincent Bugliosi, had spoken out earlier in favor of release, saying the mercy requested was "minuscule" because Atkins was on her deathbed.

Atkins and her co-defendants were originally sentenced to death but their sentences were reduced to life in prison when capital punishment was briefly outlawed by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1970s.

During the sensational 10-month trial, Atkins, Manson and co-defendants Krenwinkel and Van Houten maintained their innocence. But once they were convicted, the so-called "Manson girls" confessed in graphic detail.

They tried to absolve Manson, the ex-convict who had gathered a "family" of dropouts and runaways to a ranch outside Los Angeles, where he cast himself as the Messiah and led them in an aberrant lifestyle fueled by drugs and communal sex.

Watson had a separate trial and was convicted.

One night in August 1969, Manson dispatched Atkins and others to a wealthy residential section of Los Angeles, telling them, as they recalled, to "do something witchy."

They went to the home of Tate and her husband. He was not home, but Tate, who was 8 1/2 months pregnant, and four others were killed. "Pigs" was scrawled on a door in blood.

The next night, a wealthy grocer and his wife were found stabbed to death in their home across town. "Helter Skelter" was written in blood on the refrigerator.

"I was stoned, man, stoned on acid," Atkins testified during the trial's penalty phase.

"I don't know how many times I stabbed (Tate) and I don't know why I stabbed her," she said. "She kept begging and pleading and begging and pleading and I got sick of listening to it, so I stabbed her."

She said she felt "no guilt for what I've done. It was right then and I still believe it was right." Asked how it could be right to kill, she replied in a dreamy voice, "How can it not be right when it's done with love?"

The matronly, gray-haired Atkins who appeared before a parole board in 2000 cut a far different figure than that of the cocky young defendant some 30 years earlier.

"I don't have to just make amends to the victims and families," she said softly. "I have to make amends to society. I sinned against God and everything this country stands for." She said she had found redemption in Christianity.

The last words she spoke in public at the September hearing were to say in unison with her husband: "My God is an amazing God."

She spent 37 years in the California Institution for Women at Frontera. When she fell ill, she was moved to a medical unit at the Central California Women's Facility in Chowchilla. She died there.

Susan Denise Atkins was born May 7, 1948, in the Los Angeles suburb of San Gabriel. Her mother was stricken with cancer and died when she was 15. Her father, reportedly an alcoholic, sent her and her brother to live with relatives.

While still in her teens, she ran away to San Francisco where she wound up dancing in a topless bar and using drugs. She moved into a commune in the Haight Ashbury district and it was there that she met Manson.

He gave her a cult name, Sadie Mae Glutz, and, when she became pregnant by a "family" member, he helped deliver the baby boy, naming it Zezozoze Zadfrack. His whereabouts are unknown.

The Manson slayings remained unsolved for three months, until Atkins confessed to a cellmate following her arrest on an unrelated charge. Police found Manson and other cult members living in a ranch commune in Death Valley, outside Los Angeles.

Besides Tate, their other victims were celebrity hairdresser Jay Sebring, coffee heiress Abigail Folger, filmmaker Voityck Frykowski and Steven Parent, a friend of Tate's caretaker; and grocery owners Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. Atkins also was convicted with Manson of still another murder, of musician Gary Hinman, in July 1969.

Atkins married twice while in prison. Her first husband, Donald Lee Laisure, purported to be an eccentric Texas millionaire. They quickly divorced. Whitehouse, her second husband, is a Harvard Law School graduate and had recently served as one of her attorneys.


EDITOR'S NOTE - Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch, the AP's trial reporter for 40 years, covered the Manson Family trial.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cozynblue Femme Fatale Mobster wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the Funny Stuff! album

Cozynblue Femme Fatale Mobster wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the Funny Stuff! album

Shared via AddThis
Here is some of the Funny Sayings by Famous authors to cheer you up.

1. Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others. —–Confucius

2. You may have DIALOG or MOBITEL connection, but when you sneeze, all you say is “HUTCH”

3. Change is inevitable except from a vending machine.

4. Despite the cost of living, have you noticed how it remains so popular?

5. If you want to look young and thin, hang around old fat people.

6. Optimists think the glass is half full. Pessimists think the glass is half empty. Realists know that someone will have to wash the glass.

7. Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.—- Woody Allen

8. Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes? — Groucho Marx

9. I think the worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades…or a game of fake heart attack.

10. If you ever catch on fire, try to avoid seeing yourself in the mirror, because I bet that’s what REALLY throws you into a panic.

11. A gentleman is a man who can play the accordion but doesn’t. ~Author Unknown

12. I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three. ~Elayne Boosler

13. If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dark with a mosquito.

14. To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the project manager, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

15. The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get into the office. - Robert Frost

About the Author:
To read more Funny Sayings and Phrases on Life and Hindi Funny SMS Text Messages Messages Visit our Website.

My new email address

Hey, I have a new email address:

Drop me a line!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Brand New Maxine


They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq .... Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore.

T H E 1 0 C O M M A N D M E N T S

The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this:You cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal,' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery,' and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judge s and politicians..It creates a hostile work environment.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

August 16, 2009
Pisces (2/19-3/20)
When you feel sad, mad, bad or frustrated, you create. The same is true when you feel happy, pleased, ecstatic or content. Making things up is the way that you say, 'Here I am' in this world. You're on a roll. What are you making? What kinds of pleasure is it bringing you? What's the mood behind it? See if you can answer some of those questions as you fashion your latest masterpiece.

Great horroscope today. The only problem I have is concentrating on one subject at a time. When I am Manic it is hard for me to even finish one project because I have so many different things buzzing in my head. Thoughts and ideas racing.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Okay so this is how I imagine this conversation went:

Walmart Employee: 'Hello 'dis be Walmarts, how kin uh hep yi?'

Customer: ' I would like to order a cake for a going away party this week.

' Walmart Employee: 'Wha yi wan on de cake?'

Customer: 'Best Wishes Suzanne' and underneath that 'We will miss you'.


You can't fix stupid!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

A blonde calls her boyfriend and says, "Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can't figure out how to get it started."

Her boyfriend asks, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?"

The blonde says, "According to the picture on the box, it's a tiger."

Her boyfriend decides to go over and help with the puzzle.

She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table.

He studies the pieces for a moment, then looks at the box, then turns to her and says, "First of all, no matter what we do, we're not going tobe able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a tiger."

He takes her hand and says, "Second, I want you to relax. Let's have a nice cup of tea, and then ..." He sighed ................ "Let's put all of the Frosted Flakes back in the box

Monday, June 08, 2009

Ever look to the sky ask yourself and wonder why

When a heart breaks and wants to cry

It mends for another try

Gaze into the heaven above

Searching for one true lovethe sky transforms into night

Hazing your mind with sight

And Dream

Oh Yea Dream

Dream on with all your might

Dream on throughout the night

Ponder your thoughts away

Dreams turning night to day

So Dream

Oh Yeah Dream
The power of love at night

Like a dream a vision of light

sparks fly every which way

Turns day to night so they say

So Dream

Oh Yea Dream
Miracles do come true

Clouds go, the sky turns blue

The darkness of night comes by

so dreams can fill the sky

Dream on with all your might

Dream on throughout the night

The power of love at nightLike dreams.

A vision of light.

So Dream

Oh Yea Dream
Gaze to the heaven above

seek out your one true love

Ponder your thoughts away

Dreams turning night to day

Sparks fly every which way

Turns day to night so they

So Dream

Oh Yea Dream

Dream Oh Yea Dream


Friday, May 29, 2009

Angelique invited you to compare books

hi e,

Let's connect on Goodreads so we can share book recommendations. &utm_medium=email&utm_source=invite

- Angelique


Goodreads is a community for book lovers. It's a great way to get book recommendations from your friends and others. You can keep a list of books to read, join book clubs, and even take the never-ending book trivia quiz.

To opt-out of future invites to Goodreads please click here.

This email was sent by request to

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Triple Play Day
This was my triple play I did today:1) Albertsons has select Kellogg's cereals 50% off, making them $1.99 - $2.34.

2) I printed ten $1 Kelloggs coupons here (you can print the whole list twice)3) I bought 10 boxes for about $13 after coupons.

4) I earned two free Star Trek movie tickets which printed at checkout. ( I believe this is the last day it will print)

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Your wife decides to go out with her friends on a girls night out dancing....
You're okay with it, because you get to watch sports all night....
You hear her stumble into bed around 4am and laugh knowing she's going to have a monster hangover....
You wake up next morning and go outside to the family Volvo, which she used last night...
You sigh in relief because it's all in one piece....
You circle the car looking for dents and find none....
But then wait a minute....
A picture is worth a thousand words....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


How many zeros in a billion??? Good shit…

This is too true to be funny.

The next time you hear a politician use the

word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about

whether you want the 'politicians' spending

YOUR tax money.

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend,

but one advertising agency did a good job of

putting that figure into some perspective in

one of it's releases.
A billion seconds ago it was 1959.


A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.

A billion hours ago our ancestors were

living in the Stone Age.


A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.


A billion dollars ago was only

8 hours and 20 minutes,

at the rate our government

is spending it.

While this thought is still fresh in our brain...

let's take a look at New Orleans ...

It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division.

Louisiana Senator,
Mary Landrieu (D)

is presently asking Congress for


to rebuild New Orleans . Interesting number...

what does it mean?


Well... if you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans

(every man, woman, and child)

you each get $516,528.


Or... if you have one of the 188,251 homes in

New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787.


Or... if you are a family of four,

your family gets $2,066,012.

Washington, D. C.


Are all your calculators broken??

Accounts Receivable Tax

Building Permit Tax

CDL License Tax

Cigarette Tax

Corporate Income Tax

Dog License Tax

Federal Income Tax

Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)

Fishing License Tax

Food License Tax

Fuel Permit Tax

Gasoline Tax

Hunting License Tax

Inheritance Tax

Inventory Tax

IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)

IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)

Liquor Tax

Luxury Tax

Marriage License Tax

Medicare Tax

Property Tax

Real Estate Tax

Service charge taxes

Social Security Tax

Road Usage Tax (Truckers)

Sales Taxes

Recreational Vehicle Tax

School Tax

State Income Tax

State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)

Telephone Federal Excise Tax

Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax

Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax

Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax

Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax Telephone State and Local Tax

Telephone Usage Charge Tax

Utility Tax

Vehicle License Registration Tax

Vehicle Sales Tax

Watercraft Registration Tax

Well Permit Tax

Workers Compensation Tax


Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago...

and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.

We had absolutely no national debt...

We had the largest middle class in the world... and Mom stayed home to raise the kids .

What happened?

Can you spell 'politicians!'

And .. I still have to

press "1"

for English.

I hope this goes around the


at least a billion times!!!

What the heck happened????

Saturday, March 14, 2009

"Happy Mail" Wanted!
Children fighting for their lives have very little to smile about. You can change that by sending them some "Happy Mail." Cheery cards give these kids a few more smiles, a little more hope, and a reason to get out of bed each day.
Experience the satisfaction of making a sick child's day and giving them something to look forward to. Send a card and a hug -- one of the smiles you create just might be your own!

Mammograms Funnies

Had to share - this is funny! Be sure and read the exercises at the end... before your next mammography.

Mammograms (Honestly, a mammogram is not this bad!!! *LOL* So let nothing prevent you from having this procedure done... it could save your life!!!!) Many women are afraid of their first mammogram, but there is no need to worry. By taking a few minutes each day for a week preceding the exam and doing the following exercises, you will be totally prepared for the test and best of all, you can do these simple exercises right in and around your home.
Open your refrigerator door and insert one breast in door. Shut the door as hard as possible and lean on the door for good measure.Hold that position for five seconds. Repeat again in case the first time wasn't effective enough.
Visit your garage at 3AM when the temperature of the cement floor is just perfect. Take off all your clothes and lie comfortably on the floor with one breast wedged under the rear tire of the car. Ask a friend to slowly back the car up unt il your breast is sufficiently flattened and chilled. Turn over and repeat with the other breast.
Freeze two metal bookends overnight. Strip to the waist. Invite a stranger into the room. Press the bookends against one of your breasts.Smash the bookends together as hard as you can. Set up an appointment with the stranger to meet next year and do it again.
YOU ARE TOTALLY PREPARED!AND, just a thought for all the women out there........MENtal illness, MENstrual cramps, MENtal breakdown,MENopause............Ever notice how all of women's problems start with men?.........AndWhen we have real trouble it's HISterectomy!!!!Send this to all women to have a laugh AND, don't forget to have a mammogram!!!!!!
A Friend Is Like A Good Bra.... Hard to Find... Supportive Comfortable Always Lifts You Up Never Lets You Down or Leaves You Hanging And Is Always Close To Your Heart!!! Share this with a friend! I DID

Friday, March 13, 2009

A Tennessee Woman is in the Welfare Office Filling out Forms

Funny !!
A Tennessee woman is in the welfare office filling out forms.
The welfare officer asks her how many children she has?
"Ten boys."
"And their names?"
Leroy, Leroy, Leroy, Leroy, Leroy, Leroy, Leroy, Leroy, Leroy, and Leroy."
All named Leroy? Why would you name them all Leroy?"
"That way, when I wants them all to come in from the yard, I
just yells 'LEROY!', and when I wants them all to come to
dinner, I just yells 'LEROY!'"
"What if you just want a particular one of them to do something?"
"Then I calls him by his last name."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

'Never allow someone to be your Priority, While allowing yourself to be their Option'

Hello FABULOUS Woman! You have been hit. You have been considered one of the 10 MOST FABULOUS women with warm loving hearts on my friends list. Once you have been hit, you have to hit 10 FABULOUS women. If you get hit again you know you're really FABULOUS.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I would finger paint more, and point my finger less.

I would do less correcting, and do more connecting.

I would take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.

I would care to know less, and know to care more.

I would take more hikes, and fly more kites.

I would stop being serious, and seriously play.

I would run through more fields, and gaze at more stars.

I would do more hugging, and much less tugging

I would disagree less often, and be agreeable much more.

I would build self-esteem first, then build a house later.

I would teach less about the love of power, and more about the power of love.

Every day is a blessed day, done over and over in every way.

Only because they grow up so fast, days soon to be in the past.

So you see... if I had my child to raise over again.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


... The little black girl who had to be escorted to school by federal marshals. "On November 14, 1960, nearly 48 years ago, Bridges faced hostile crowds as the first black child to attend a previously all-white New Orleans school. She was 6 years old and had only been told by her mother that she was going to be attending a new school that day and 'had better behave.' Little did she know that she would be bombarded with jeers and even death threats, and that she would end up being the sole child in her first grade class after other children were kept home by their parents." All because Ruby was Black.

Forty-eight years later -- January 5, 2009 -- here is a picture of Sasha Obama, a little 7 year old Black girl, being escorted to school by her mother, First Lady-elect Michelle Obama, and the Secret Service because Sasha's daddy is now President-elect of the United States.

Lady Barbara K.Black-Williams"The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree..."

Thursday, February 12, 2009


21. A closed mouth gathers no foot.
20. Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
19. There are two theories to arguing with a women - Neither one works.
18. Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your lips are moving.
17. Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
16. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
15. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
14. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.
13. Some days you're the bug, some days you're the windshield.
11. Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.
10. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put back in your pocket.
9. Never test the depth of the water with both feet
8. If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
7. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
6.. If at first you don't succeed...... skydiving is not for you.
5. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt or a leaky tire.
4. It's always darkest before dawn , so if you're going to steal your neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.
3. Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.
2. Always remember that you're unique. Just like everyone else.
1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me alone.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Cell Phones For Soldiers

Cell Phone Recycling Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Are you a non-profit 501(c)(3) company?

A. Yes. We have received our non-profit designation from the IRS. Please view our 501(c)(3) letter here.

Q. What types of cell phones do you want?

A. We will accept any type of cell phone.

Q. Where do I send or drop off my phones?

A. Phones can be sent to the address listed on the Donate a Phone page or can be dropped off at any of the official CPFS drop off sites. We are always looking for more businesses or groups to become drop off sites. You may have a phone drive for a day, a week, or ongoing.

Q. What do you do with the cell phones?

A. The cell phones are sold to a company that recycles them. The money that we get for the phones is used to purchase calling cards that we send to our soldiers serving.

Q. Is there a way I can erase my personal data BEFORE the phone is donated?

A. YES. The Cell Phone Data Eraser gives you the tools you need to remove personal information like contact names and phone numbers from your old cell phone.

Q. Do you send any cell phones to the soldiers?

A. No. Most of the cell phones that we receive are not GSM enabled, therefore would not work in the Middle East. In addition, for security reasons, we cannot send a cell phone directly to a US soldier serving in a war zone.

Q. Can I donate a calling card to a specific soldier or unit?

A. Yes, as long we have the APO we can directly mail cards to the soldier.

Q. How do I make a cash donation?

A. If you want to make a donation by credit card, go to the Donate Money page and follow the instructions provided. The donation will go to the Cell Phones For Soldiers fund account at the South Shore Savings Bank. You may also send a check, money order, or prepaid calling card directly to:

South Shore Savings Bank
400 Washington Street
Norwell, MA 02061

We ask that you do not call the bank directly. For questions, please call 1-800-426-1031.

Q. How do I become a sponsor?

A. We are asking for a minimum $1,000.00 donation to the fund to be listed as one of our sponsors. Your company or group may hold a fundraising event, act as a drop off point for used cell phones, or contribute services in lieu of a cash donation.

Q. What if I want to hold an event or fundraiser?

A. Give us the information on what type of fundraiser you want to have, when and where it will be, and a brief description of what activities will be taking place: We will send you an informational packet on how to
promote and expand your program.

Q. What do I do if I have a problem with the pick-up of my phones by USPS?

A. Please contact our recycler directly:

ReCellular, Inc.2555 Bishop Circle West
Dexter, MI 48130 USA
Toll Free: 800-426-1031