Friday, May 28, 2010

RIP Gary Coleman. You fought the good fight.
Our times are in Gods hands, our souls are in His keeping.-Ryland
The heart of the righteous studies how to answer, But the mouth of the wicked pours forth evil.(proverbs 15:28)
Inspiration Today. Me and My Big Mouth. The tongue can be a blessing and a curse. Say friend, how are you using yours. For better of for worse.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

There is a tongue depressor, but is there anything to cheer a tongue up?
Do shy turtles come out of their shells?
What's another word for thesaurus?
Why do parents yell at their children, and then ask, DID YOU HEAR ME!
God, I don't understand, but I trust You. Pleaz give me the strength to overcome my obstacles..
Why don't they make the entire airplane out of what they use for the indestructible black box?
If they squeeze olives to get olive oil, what do they squeeze to get baby oil?
Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?
Now, on with the anecdotes to share with your serious and grouchy friends. Smile and don't take yourself toooo seriously.
Reading: Let There Be Laughter. Living, Lifting and Laughing as a Person of God. -By Bilmer and Bilmer.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mathew 25. No fear of Judgement.

I don't have to be afraid of Judgment Day because all my sins are forgiven and forgotten!! They are blotted out and remembered no more...All the things in my life that are rotten and filthy, and all the tings that are so shameful that I have never dared to share them with anyone, will be erased from my records. In place of all that garbage will be recorded alll the magnificent things that Jesus did..
The joy that comes from thinking about glory is a joy available to all who have surrendered their lives to Christ. All they have to do is just stop and reflect on it all from time to time..
-From 'Who Switched the Price Tags?'
By: Tony Campolo