Sunday, July 24, 2005

Trying something new out.

From Morning Strecth with Dennis Austin Link at the end?
Stick With It!
Getting in shape isn't always easy — we all have lapses in motivation! Need some help on those days when you want to throw in the towel? Try these tips from Fit Forever! members:
1.Set your eyes on the prize! Take a few minutes to visualize where you'll be in three months if you stick with it — and where you'll be if you don't!
2.Buy some smiley-face stickers and put one on your calendar each day you stay on the Fit Forever! Plan. As they build up, you'll see how far you've come and be less tempted to stop!
Shake up your routine — go for a walk in the woods instead of your usual spot, or try a new workout tape!
3.If you're having a hard time staying motivated to work out solo, join a class or start walking with a friend! Knowing they're expecting you helps keep you going on days you'd rather not be there.
4.Find a recent photo of yourself at your current weight. Make a collage of photos cut out from magazines of how you'll look when you reach your target weight.

1 comment:

cozynblue said...

The link doesn't work. I will try again to add a link to posts.