Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I went to my doctor yesterday and spoke with her further about Ambien. She said we had to watch my use of Ambien more closely. In order for her to refill my perscription every month I will have to see her first. She called it a controlled substance. What is that exactly? I'll have to look it up. I asked her if that meant it was a narcotic. She said no. I have had problems in the past with narcotics in prescription drugs (Atavan knocked me on my ass) and I never want to go there again!! The more I read about Ambien the more I want to just let it go. Why wait for more problems to surface like sleepwalking. Or sleepdriving. Scary stuff.
The official Ambien site tells us all we need to know. They covered everything.
Not meant to be taken for long periods of time. Can be addicting.
I was given some advice in a forum I was in(Clinical practice discussion forum).. Check out the book "No More Sleepness Nights, By: Peter Hauri. I put it on order at the library right away.


Amy Purdy said...

I am going to check out the book you mentioned. I am afraid to take sleeping pills, ya always hear such negative things about most of them. Plus when I am suicidal that is the last thing I need lying around the house LOL I get so frustrated with not being able to sleep well. Maybe I can learn something from that book.

cozynblue said...

Cool, moonlightwriter. Check back and let me know if the book helped you sleep through the night. Demons taunt me when I try to sleep!!