Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Autumn Trees

Inspiration: To those with ears to hear and eyes to see, there will be very great release from unbearable burdens in the language of autumn trees, for example, when they dress most gloriously in preparation for death. The red of the leaves is the sign of the cross. Winter follows, when snow closes everything in frozen silence. The trees then are skeletons, but wonders are being performed under the surface of things. Spring comes, and the gidden wonders burst out all at once-tiny shoots, swelling buds, touches of green and red where all seemed hopeless the day before..Plain lessons for us, if we'll open our eyes.
If the leaves had not been let go to fall and wither, if the tree had not consented to be a skeleton for many months, there would be no new life rising, no bud, no flower, no fruit, no seed, no new generation.
From: Inspirational Study Bible by: Max Lucado

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