Thursday, October 12, 2006

Instant Comfort/Little things that calm me down and lift me up

I am going to try to list 100 Instant Comfort Things in the next week(more added daily), so that I can look at this list in the future when stressing out and pick 5 to help me relax....Warning!! There are links....
1) Reading a good Stephen King book
2) Taking a hot shower and changing into pajamas after a long, stressful day
3) Hugs
4) Getting my hair done
5) Prince singing anything (3121 is the SHIT)
6) A filled-to-the brim gas tank
7) The sound of my 12 year old coming home from school
8) Quiet
9) Watching my 2 year old nephew read (look at pictures in a magazine or book)
10) Campfires
11) Home baked Macaroni and Cheese
12) Checking things off my t0-do list
13) Pulling my blankie all the way up to my nose(yes I do have a blankie)
14) Falling asleep without having to take an Ambien
15) A fully stocked fridge
16) Fully stocked cabinets
17) A big scoop of Rocky Road ice cream
18) Finally killing that annoying fly that woke me up buzzing in my ear this morning
19) A supersoft hooded sweatshirt
20) A quiet morning to myself
21) Coffee perculating
22) A hot shower after a workout
23) Brownies baking in the oven
24) Sinking into a hot bath, no kids around
25) My son's voice, when he's happy
26) Reading my study bible early in the morning before anyone wakes up
27) A hot cup of Tension Tamer Tea
28) Something simmering in my crockpot
29) The smell of home baked lasagna
30) A good Wendy French book
31) Collecting Sand Dollar sea shells on the beach
32) Watching a waterfall
33) A Lakers game and a cold beer
34) Freshly folded laundry
35) Early morining internet (it's 6:30 a.m.) 3121 in the background
36) A good movie with a good friend (Last Movie seen "The Departed!!")
37) Good dreams instead of night terrors
38) Not finishing a horrible book (Survivor by: J.F. Gonzalez, sicko)
39) Catching 3-4 good crabs

40) Fishing with my son Johnny.

41) Watching my son make the perfect cast

42) A check in the mail

43) Books in the mail (like Xmas)

44) A smile and a wave from the neighbor (JT)

45) A smile and a wave from the neighbor (Armando)

46) Finding that your work was saved, after all, when your computer crashes!!

47) A good beer buzz early in the morning

48) Feeling 'Beautiful, Loved and Blessed'

49) E-40 rappen about anythang

50) A good cookbook (fav: Patty Labelle's

'Labelle Cuisine')
51)Finding money while doing laundry, that I know wasn't mine!
52) A godd Zora Neale Hurston book(now reading 'Jonah's Gourd Vine')
53) My nephew fresh out of the bath.
54) General Hospital on a Friday afternoon(cliffhanger day)
55) A good salad with all the fixens(Feta cheese, advacado, tomato, carrots, celery,cabbage.)
56) Judge Judy
57) A Joyce Meyer sermon and book(now reading 'The Confident Woman')
58) A good old Grilled Cheese sandwhich.
59) A good old Tuna Melt.
60) Laughing with a good friend.
61) Writing in my journals.
62) Being single.
63) Dru Hill
64) Johnny's drawings.
65) A little sarcasm.
66) Judge Joe Brown.
67) Funny Kicked My Dog)

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